A Few Words

About Me

I am so glad you're here.

My name is Heather, and I’m the owner of Satchel & Rose Bookkeeping. I provide virtual bookkeeping services to businesses across the country.  I’ve always been passionate about helping others, and bookkeeping allows me to do just that. You created your business because you had something to share with the world. I support service-based businesses in transparent record-keeping, tax preparedness, time ownership, and informed decision-making.

In addition to working with business owners, I am the mother to two goofy, wonderful girls and live in the Rocky Mountains with my husband, whose skills at telling jokes far surpass my own.

While I may not win the prize for best “teller of jokes,” my goal is to support your business through stellar communication, exceptional skills, and an attention to detail that relieves the stress of you trying to do it all.

Schedule a Free Consultation to Find out how I can support you!